another way to do journalism

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Mon Aug 5 12:13:23 PDT 2002

How Neal Travis, NY Post gossip columnist, does his job, according to a profile in this week's New York magazine:

>One word for Travis's reporting methods is unorthodox -- as he is
>the first to admit. "I do things that the Columbia School of
>Journalism might not approve of," he says with a sly grin. "There
>was a very fast-rising politician, for example. I knew that he'd
>been out to Aspen with his current girlfriend, and that he had a
>penchant for not paying his bills. So I called him. I said, 'I've
>got a good story here; they just faxed me your bill.' He said,
>'That's going to ruin me, Neal. That's going to ruin me.' I said,
>'Well, I've got a four-inch column. You've got till two o'clock.' So
>he came up with a scurrilous story about one of his friends.

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