Russian lesbian pop music comes to the US

ChrisD(RJ) chrisd at
Tue Aug 6 00:18:24 PDT 2002

Incidentally, it is currently very fashionable in Russian show-business circles to (at least appear to) be gay. Tatu is pretty much on the apex of this phenomenon, but there's also the incredibly hammy Boris Moiseyev, who made his name as a dancer in the 70s and 80s with horrendously popular singer Alla Puhacheva and now touts himself as a very campy "child of sin" and is touring around Russia with French/Spanish singer Nilda Hernandez, who recently relocated from Paris to Moscow. Eva Polna of Gosti iz budushchego (Guests from the Future), which does the hit "Lyubi menya po-frantsuzkii" ("Have Oral Sex With Me"), has a lesbian stage image, as does the appropriately-named Butch. Enormously popular singer Zemfira (and pretty damn good) from Bashkortostan has a vaguely bisexual image as well.

Moiseyev got catcalled on his recent Siberian tour. "Keep Siberia gay-free!" "Keep the perverts out of Siberia!"

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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