Anarcho-Stalinism (chuck)

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Tue Aug 6 12:19:33 PDT 2002

Chuck Munson wrote:

>I certainly wouldn't choose any organized labor union at this point. I'm
>more likely to see some improvements at work through wildcat actions than
>I am waiting for the union bureacracy to sell me out through some
>agreement with my bosses. If you recall, labor had more power when it was
>autonomous and NOT organized into a few national unions. Or, just look at
>the cozy relationship between organized labor and the Democratic wing of
>the Corporate Party.
>I mean, isn't this pretty obvious?

Well, no. It's not that simple. There's little doubt that union busting helped drive down real hourly wages in the U.S. between 1973 and 1995. Unions almost certainly narrow the gender and racial gaps between white men and all other workers. If unions were so ineffectual, why do the bosses spend so much time and money fighting them?


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