Kelley wrote:
> Salmonella bacteria require favorable temps, moisture, and food to gorw.
> Temps between 40 - 140 deg F are the danger zone. If you eat boiled eggs,
> once you've cooked them for five minutes, they're fine, easily 180 deg F
> internally, and well past the critical 160 def F needed to kill the
> bacteria.
(a) When I'm willing to go to the trouble of soft-boiled eggs, 5 minutes is too long.
(b) Besides, there's no remedy for the following:
3+ large dips Breyer's vanilla quarter+ cup of milk some sugar malt to taste dash of vanilla at least two, preferably three, raw eggs Beat to desired thinness
I do like eggs. They were the only thing the messhalls at Lackland AFB (1951) could cook decently.
(If one's chemistry - from the neck down anyway - metabolism, blood pressure, etc. allow it, why forego the above just for a little salmonella. We all have to die sometime.)