> Why privilege the concept of opposition? Why can't anarchism be a
> stand in for the creation of culture[s] of non-coercion? How do you
> know that the anti-authoritarian movements won't morph into
> different kinds of hierarchy and authoritarianism in the very
> attempt at abolishing what anarchists claim to despise?
Anarchism also has a vision of the society it would like to create. If non-coercion, anti-authoritarianism, and anti-heirarchy become core values for people, then that is a pretty good check on any instances of hierarchy and statism that might develop.
<< Chuck0 >>
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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."
-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)