
billbartlett at dodo.com.au billbartlett at dodo.com.au
Wed Aug 14 16:55:39 PDT 2002

At 1:03 PM -0400 13/8/02, Doug Henwood wrote:

>>Well it happens. I saw somewhere that the widow Onassis took a job in a publishing firm for a while. She would have had to be considered a full member of the capitalist class no matter how you cut it.
>She was rich, no doubt about that. But was she a capitalist in the same sense that her late husband Ari was, as a tanker magnate, or her previous late husband, as CEO of the world bourgeoisie? Gore Vidal said that Jackie loved money and publicity and little else. That makes her the opposite of a capitalist in some ways - an old-fashioned rich person who enjoyed hoarding and/or spending, but not throwing her capital into the M-C-M' circuitry.

Well she didn't keep her money under the mattress. You almost seem to be implying that "capitalist" is an emotional disposition, rather than having anything to do with actual ownership of capital?

I think you must be pulling my leg. Careful, I might bite. ;-)

Bill Bartlett Bracknell Tas

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