
Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Thu Aug 15 04:49:20 PDT 2002

>Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>>I think that the grouping that you are talking about is what C.
>>Wright Mills calls "the power elite." It is indeed the power elite
>>who make decisions on "the deployment of US imperial power abroad,"
>>but is it the power elite who determine "the conditions of social
>I prefer the term ruling class to power elite, but it's a class with
>several subspecialties. A bunch of CEOs might say, "W, I think you
>need to do something about X," and W will probably listen, though
>neither he nor the CEOs will be involved with the planning of the
>operation directed at X. (That may be a cruise missile attack or a
>new tax policy.) The same CEOs may also say, "We need to get our
>costs down," and they tell their subordiantes to cut their costs by
>10%. They may think that because their share price is slumping or
>the chief investment officer of CalPERS has been on the phone
>complaining about weak earnings.

Conscious political interventions (legislating, backroom wheeling & dealing, changing interest rates, changing money supply, etc.) by the power elite must have some impacts on "the conditions of social labor," but the "conditions of social labor," as Marxists understand them, are determined primarily by private decisions of individuals (buying & selling) through the market and secondarily by class struggles (in which autonomists give primacy to the self-activity of the working class).

***** ...[T]he social functions of production and distribution, surplus extraction and appropriation, and the allocation of social labor are, so to speak, privatized and they are achieved by non-authoritative, non-political means. In other words, the social allocation of resources and labor does not, on the whole, take place by means of political direction, communal deliberation..., but rather through the mechanisms of commodity exchange...based on a contractual relationship between "free" producers -- juridically free and free from the means of production -- and an appropriator who has absolute private property in the means of production (Wood, Democracy against Capitalism, 1995, p.29) ***** -- Yoshie

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