"Anarchy Reigns in Social Production" re: unions

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Thu Aug 15 12:41:21 PDT 2002

"Brian O. Sheppard x349393" wrote:
> Theorists shouldn't decide it in advance of the actual society; the
> decision should be a particpatory one made by those most affected by the
> production and its effects.

You don't understand, Brian. None of this can happen until the "theorists" [scare quotes because I have a high respect for political theory properly channeled] work out (a) the last little detail of how capitalism works and (b) a beautiful but practical image of the future which will inspire all those people out there to come flocking to the pink banner.

And it is pure despair and cynicism if one wishes to talk about the theory of how to attract people's attention so they will listen to whatever oration one has all polished to give as soon as there magically appears an audience to listen to it.


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