SS privatization

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Thu Aug 15 16:19:30 PDT 2002

Think the bear market has killed Social Security privatization? Fox News reports on a recent poll:

>Sixty-eight percent of respondents favored private accounts, a
>margin of well more than two-to-one. Respondents aged 30-49 rang in
>favor of private accounts at 76 percent, ages 18-29 at 82 percent.
>Democrats favored them 56 to 40 percent. Independents at 67-31
>percent. White, black, Hispanic, union, conservative, moderate, even
>self-described liberals -- all favored private accounts over the
>current system by a margin of at least 16 percent.
>There was no demographic group in which less than 54 percent of
>respondents favored private accounts. The closest gap was among
>seniors -- aged 65 and up -- and even they favored private accounts
>by a margin of 55-40.

The cultists at the Elliott Wave Theorist <> point out: "The poll was conducted this past July 8-12, four days when the Dow Industrials dropped some 700 points."

The bull lives on in many minds.


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