>I saw
>> a Green rally on TV the other night and Nader's calling for the
>> repeal of Taft-Hartley!
>Peter, can you elaborate on Sweden?
>Given the added problems workers face with their savings going down the
>toilet, now is a good time for union leaders to get more vocal about repeal,
>instead of having closed door meetings with the likes of Goldman Sachs
>CEO Hank Paulson (who in a speech last year called 'corporate globalization
>a major profit opportunity for Goldman'). Nader's been rightly calling for
>the repeal of Taft-Hartley for years.
Yeah, the one of the main Labor Party planks is repeal of Taft-Hartley, adopted at the founding convention in '96. Nader spoke there, actually. I wonder if he stole--uh, was convinced--by the Labor Party arguments for this, or vice versa, or neither. Jenny Brown co-chair, Alachua County Labor Party
Nomi, I see you're talking at URPE. See you there. The rest of y'all oughta
come on down (or up). The summer conference is Sat.-Tues in Connecticut,
Nomi's talking about Enron --Tip of the Corp. Crisis, Medea (or Media)
Benjamin's talking about organizing post 9-11, Mimi Abramowitz is talking
about welfare destruction 2002, I'm talking about puncturing the myth of
America and what that has to do with Women's Liberation, also Ellen Frank,
Maureen Lane, Sara Whiteley, Paddy Quick. I think some guys are talking too
: )
Full schedule at: http://www.urpe.org/sumprog02.html