
Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Fri Aug 16 13:32:57 PDT 2002

Ian Murray wrote:
> Don't you think it's a bit of an analogical stretch to say that the workers at Boeing and
> Airbus have guns held to their heads?

The imagery may be distorting, but a primary differential between capitalism and non-capitalist class societies is that both "coercion" and exploitation become invisible in the former, while "extra-economic" coercion for extraction of surplus is necessary in non-capitalist social orders.

Another point about the imagery. One of the founders of anarchism was also the coiner (or at least popularizer) of the slogan that "property is theft." That is, the whole anarchist structure is grounded in a metaphysical claim to know The Good and to detect all departures from "The Good" as crime. Replace metaphysics with history and it is either false or incoherent to call property theft. But a rejection of abstract moral judgment of property in no way precludes the rejection of property in means of production as incompatible with human happiness or even survival.


P.S. The huge modern cities will have to go, even under capitalism. In fact, The City has pretty much disappeared for most who live in what we still call cities. Incidentally, when the number of people around one daily reaches a certain density, the heart attack rate rises sharply.

I would hope that we can preserve, or rather recover, The City, but to cling to cities as they now exist is as utopian a fantasy as are Chuck0's ravings.

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