> I would also "like to think ... that large permanent institutions
> producing complex things things could be made to work in noncoercive ...
> ways." Chuck0 defies over a hundred years of experience and theory when he
> insist this can never be. Many critics of anarcho-syndicalism (or maybe I
> should say "libertarian socialism") insist it is
> ill-suited to the complexities of society - Chuck0 seems to agree, and
> answers with, "Yeah, they are right, so therefore we must destroy
> industrialized society." It's a perverse position to take.
Anarcho-syndicalism has never been successful on any large scale. Even things that closely approximate anarcho-syndicalism, such as the Mondragon cooperatives, are quickly becoming capitalist institutions.
What anarcho-syndicalist dogmatists like Brian refuse to understand is that a factory run by the workers is still a fucking factory. The pollution it puts out under the anarcho-syndicalist central committee isn't more sweet-smelling. The work involved is still factory work, which is usually boring or dangerous or some combination thereof.
<< Chuck0 >>
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"...ironically, perhaps, the best organised dissenters in the world today are anarchists, who are busily undermining capitalism while the rest of the left is still trying to form committees."
-- Jeremy Hardy, The Guardian (UK)