The Blithedale Romance Re: Milton the Anarchist....

Carrol Cox cbcox at
Wed Aug 21 14:32:55 PDT 2002

Carl Remick wrote:
> The fact that you can't think while
> exercising is perhaps the most positive thing about exercise.

Oh come now. I'm and in a seige of depression I can't read -- _except_ while I'm pedalling an exercycle. I read all of _The Wealth of Nations_ , a history of the South Sea Bubble, and _Theories of Surplus Value_ while peddling an exercycle an hour a day 5 or 6 days a week one spring -- and hardly read a page otherwise during that entire time.


> intellectual labor

? (a) How do you define "intellectual labor"? (b) "Unremitting"?

yields diminishing marginal returns no matter how bright
> the thinker -- a dynamic that explains much about the poor quality of life
> in this ever-scheming nation.

You simply can't condemn a whole people. Left politics (anyhow, left politics which presupposes the grwoth of mass movements and the achievement of coherence by such movements) has to assume that on the whole people live sensibly given the conditions in which, at any given time, they find themselves.


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