Ace on "outside Jewish money" and other things

Max B. Sawicky sawicky at
Wed Aug 21 16:01:15 PDT 2002

I agree the phrasing has an odor about it. I've smelled worse (including from Ace).

We seem to be ignoring that on the purely analytical side, Cynthia was not merely attacked by some Jews. She was targeted by the DLC, from whose innards her opponent sprang, and by the Right, which orchestrated a huge crossover vote. The diversity of opposition ought to discount somewhat further, though not erase, the 'jewish' role.


Why get worked up? For the thirteenth time: 1) the phrasing itself is ugly and redolent of a long tradition of bigotry, 2) it alienates potential supporters, 3) it could attract some of the wrong people, 4) it stokes black-Jewish tensions, 5) it promotes the notion that the U.S. is manipulated by Israel, thereby obscuring U.S. imperial interests (which might appeal to some reactionary American nationalists, who like to believe in our superior virtue).

But there were several things I objected to besides this particular phrase - like the odious use of "killing fetuses."

Taken all together, along with routine praise for Ron Paul and suchlike, and it suggests a rightward march by the guy who used to be the best left polemicist in the U.S.


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