war and the state (was milton, etc.)

Carrol Cox cbcox at ilstu.edu
Thu Aug 22 21:09:14 PDT 2002

Yoshie Furuhashi wrote:
>> It seems you are not so much opposing what Engels says as quibbling
> with his use of the word "authoritarian," since you don't oppose the
> use of force in self-defense or to "root out wage slavery."
> --
> Yoshie

A surprising amount of criticism of marx & other marxists is based on word magic. Some people simply cannot bear, for example, for the words "value" and "productive" not to carry a moral content. As when Engels wrote his fine essay, the world is still filled with people who are more concerned with the (negative) moral vibration of such terms as "authority" than with the actual conditions within which struggles to transform the world must be conducted.


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