
Bradford DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Mon Aug 26 12:29:42 PDT 2002

>JCWisc at aol.com wrote:
>>Does hierarchy rest simply and solely on coercion?
>Given the apparent human propensity - even longing - to submit to
>authority, I'd say not. Which takes me back to Judith Butler's
>argument in the Psychic Life of Power - that the human subject is
>formed in subjection (e.g. to adult power and the laws of language).

I don't know about *you*, but I definitely feel that I am the master of language, not its servant--that it is a force multiplier for my brain.

And whatever criticisms Amity Shlaes may have of my father's parenting skills, they did raise me convinced that I had choices and could do things. I always thought of my parents as people who opened doors and created opportunities, not as people who closed them and imposed discipline.

So I find myself having little desire to submit to authority (although I do have a great desire to delegate planning paperwork and phone calls to others)...

Brad "Overly Strong Superego" DeLong

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