>Subject: Green Party Effect: There's a Big Difference
>Ralph Nader and the Green Party claim there is no difference between the
>Democratic and Republican parties.
>That's why you should know about a movement that is coming along. It shows
>that there is a difference.....a Damned Big Difference.
>www.damnedbigdifference.org is a recently launched online movement to dispel
>the claims of Nader and his Green Party followers. This in-depth site
>illustrates party platform differences, analyses key races where Green Party
>candidates will play a role, examines the Bush Presidency, the Green Party
>Effect, and urges people who agree that the Green Party has hurt the liberal
>and progressive agenda to stand up.
this is silly...if they were more honest they would rename the sight www.thinkwhatwetellyouto.org or better yet www.youarestupidandcantthinkforyourself.org.......save yourself the trouble and go directly to www.randominsults.org....if the green party has any amount of sophistication the would respond with www.iftherewasabidifferencethenitshouldbequiteobviousanditwouldbeuneccesarytowastemoneyinsuchafrivolousmanner.org
~M.E. www.etc.org