good news!

Peter K. peterk at
Fri Aug 30 16:54:44 PDT 2002

>A sentence from the new issue of the Elliott Wave Financial Forecast,
>which uses some mystical mumbo-jumbo to anlayze the markets, and
>which thinks we're in a mega-bear market and depression. Commenting
>on the scandals: "So, the repercussions to date are still just a
>prelude to a more organized and potent attack on corporate America,
>markets and capitalism itself."

Could be true. As that LA Weekly piece on the supposed lameness of the left reported, the Nation is doing comparatively well and signing up many new subscribers. The Nation is nothing if not anti-corporate and "anti-business". Perhaps the high tide of neo-liberal ideology has run its course and will have to resort to more forceful measures from here on in?


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