Fw: The Nation: "dreary" (fwd)

Peter K. peterk at enteract.com
Sat Aug 31 10:00:14 PDT 2002

>About The Nation generally, I too have been reading it off and on for 20
>years or so. I think it's always been a bit uneven with regard to the
>technical aspects of editing--what's called in the book publishing world
>"copy editing and line editing." I tend to cut them some slack for being a
>weekly on a tight budget. Maybe it's also a matter of de gustibus. All I
>can say is that I look forward to getting it and usually read it in one
>sitting the week it arrives. What tends to pile up unread at my place is The
>American Prospect, which is meant to be more with-it editorially and
>Jacob Conrad

I feel the same way and I've been reading the Nation 10 years. I wish they would publish a little more Ellen Willis. Liza plugs her here: http://www.thenation.com/doc.mhtml?i=special&s=reading20020808

On Bill Moyers's TV show last night, he did a roundtable from the Summit in Johannesburg; Nadine Gordimer and Naomi Klein were among those present. I'd rather read, listen to or hang out with either of those two than any of the supposed good time frat boy right wingers mentioned in the LA Weekly piece.


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