Samir Amin on Islam

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at
Sun Dec 1 12:15:40 PST 2002

> >In Amin's view, it is the "submission of both the
>>political and ideological realms to the logic of the economic one"
>>that has stamped global culture as primarily capitalist. This thesis
>>has direct bearing on Amin's consequent argument that the forms of
>>ritualized traditionalism that are today frequently labelled Islamic
>>fundamentalism are neither simple holdovers from precapitalist
>>societies nor resistances to contemporary occidentalism.
>More concretely, Saudi elites and the Pakistani security
>establishment have been financing Islamic
>fundamentalism. As for Israel and the Middle East, here's what
>Hitchens - whom Yoshie compares to
>Thomas Friedman - recently had to say:
>"I hate and despise Hezbollah and Palestinian suicide-murderers, as
>they ought to be called, but
>they'd have to work day and night for years to equal the total of
>civilians killed in Lebanon alone,
>or by Sharon alone. Lebanese and Palestinian irregulars are, by the
>way, entitled by international
>law to resist foreign occupation that has been internationally
>condemned. Fact..."

By killing nurses? If one is going to talk about international law, one should also talk about jus in bello...

Brad DeLong

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