Weak Links?

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Wed Dec 11 11:52:17 PST 2002

The power elite don't everywhere have the same quality and quantity of, and more importantly command over the loyalty of, armed forces; the same economic conditions; the same degree of ideological hegemony; etc.

***** "The imperialist front was broken at its weakest link, Czarist Russia."

This is Lenin's splendid formula. Its meaning is that Russia was the most backward and economically weakest of all the imperialist states. That is precisely why her ruling classes were the first to collapse as they had loaded an unbearable burden on the insufficient productive forces of the country. Uneven, sporadic development thus compelled the proletariat of the most backward imperialist country to be the first to seize power.

<http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/works/1928-3rd/ti03.htm> *****

That was then. Where are weak links today, and where is the weakest link -- within each nation and among nations? -- Yoshie

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