Ritter has in the not too distant past given this acct. of the children in Iraqi prisons. One of William River Pitts, "Truthout, " articles?
http://www.google.com/search?q=Scott+Ritter+children+prisons+Iraq Lots of hits, everyone from Holocaust Denialist, Zundel to David Horowitz, Libertoon Blogger, Instapundit and many more. <URL: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,351165,00.html > Ritter interview.
Rightist attack on Ritter, <URL: http://www.leftwatch.com/articles/2002/000093.html >
And, Daniel Ellsberg recently related his admiration and respect for Ritter. Ellsberg had a long conversation w/him driving him to the San Jose Airport after a speaking engagement. <URL: http://www.ellsberg.net/ >
Frank, go walk on the beach on Bolinas. You need it;-( The waves will wash the bile out.
-- Michael Pugliese