How Should the Left Respond---get fucked

Chuck Grimes cgrimes at
Wed Dec 18 01:02:00 PST 2002

In such a Marcusean or Adornian Totally Administered Society, as Chuck Grimes lays it out, where do poll data like this, where the balance of ideological forces is trending more and more anti-war, such a process would be inexplicable... Michael Pugliese


I take this to mean in such a society, the polls wouldn't indicate ambivalence tending toward some vague and reluctant objection.

Well, to equivocate, I didn't say the totally administered society works on all the people, all the time. Clearly it didn't work on me or most of the people I know. Nevertheless whether it works effectively or not, that doesn't change the assessment that we live under such an administered system that is trying its damnest to work on all the people all the time. Certainly improvements could be made, and we can trust that Rumsfeld and Ashcroft are working together with the three monkey media on various upgrades... (the three monkeys who see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing).

Chuck Grimes

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