How Should the Left Respond---get fucked

Wojtek Sokolowski sokol at
Thu Dec 19 09:56:50 PST 2002

> Yeah, it does a little. They are the one who are going to be
> running this nonsense and the way it goes will depend at
> least partly on their ability and committment. I would expect
> them to have doubts and second thoughts, if for no other
> reason than a misplaced sense of professionalism (excluding
> the immediate Bush appointments).
> On the last round, the Iraq military was mostly isolated from
> Iraqi civilians. The army was the only serious target, they
> were mostly out in the open, and destorying them was the only
> goal. This round, the military will most likely be integrated
> into civilian targets, presumably defending them and the
> government itself. For purposes of war the distinction
> between who is military and who isn't, is going to be a lot
> more difficult. Somebody is likely to get tagged the Butcher
> of Bagdad. That looks bad on a resume, you know.

We do not really know what the military commanders think of this adventure. My recollection is that they were not very gung ho about it. Even the CIA warned of the possibility of Saddam transferring some of his arsenal to islamists if attacked.

Despite appearances, this administration may not be on the same page as the military leadershi - as the howitzer debacle may suggest.

As for Bush and Co, there is no doubt in my mind whatsover that this vermin will stop before nothing to enrich themselves and their cronies. But they can get fatter without going to war - all they need is to put their dirty hands on public coffers. It is not clear to me why they would want to take a risk of a not very popular military action if they can enrich themselves without going to war. What is their payoff?

PS. I agree with Mark Crispin Miller that Bush may be evil, but he is not stupid or psychopathic. So I do not think he needs that war to satisfy his lust for making others suffer. There must be some more tangible payoffs - if he really wants to do it, instead of playing a game of deceit.


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