Victor Jara, El Derecho de Vivir en Paz

Yoshie Furuhashi yoshie at
Tue Dec 24 22:56:24 PST 2002

Victor Jara rarities in MP3: <>

***** Le film retrace la vie et le travail du musicien Victor Jara, assassiné lors du coup d'État au Chili, en 1973. Durant toute sa vie, il fut révéré pour sa contribution au renouveau de la musique et des arts traditionnels latino-américains. À sa mort, il devint une source d'inspiration à travers le monde pour le rétablissement de la démocratie dans son pays. De ses origines rurales à ses derniers moments au Chile Stadium de Santiago, les séquences originales de ses concerts révèlent son charisme et son talent. Des interviews de ses contemporains - dont celui de sa veuve, Joan, qui n'a cessé de travailler pour maintenir son oeuvre vivante - rappellent la triste et effroyable histoire du Chili à cette époque. On écoute toujours Victor Jara : c'est la preuve que l'assassinat d'un homme ne peut balayer ni ses idées, ni sa contribution artistique.

The film focus on the life and work of musician Victor Jara who was murdered during the military coup in Chile 1973. During his lifetime he was revered for his contribution to revival of traditional Latin American music and arts in general. After his death he became an inspiration throughout the world for the reestablishment of democracy in his country. The film traces Jara's life from his rural upbringing to his last moment in the Chile Stadium in Santiago. Original footage of him singing and playing reveals his charisma and talent. Interviews with contemporaries recall the sad and chilling history of Chile's tainted past. Also included is an interview with his widow, Joan, who has worked ceaselessly to keep his artistic work alive. Victor Jara's continuing eminence has demonstrated that the killing of a human being cannot wipe out its ideas or its creative contribution.

Réalisation : Carmen Luz Parot Image : Carlos Seguel, Marcos Rodriguez Montage : Marcelo Jimenez, Alexis Molina, Andres Olgin, Ricardo Castillo, César Olate, Javier Echavarria Narrateur : Mauricio Torres

Production : Carmen Luz Parrot, Estrella solitaria 5178, Nuñoa, Santiago, Chili Tél : +562 227 0390 Email : clparot at

Ventes : Carmen Luz Parrot, Estrella solitaria 5178, Nuñoa, Santiago, Chili Tél : +562 227 0390 Email : clparot at

Format : Betacam SP. Couleur Durée : 1 h Année de production : 2001




Last September 16th was the 25th anniversary of the death of legendary Chilean protest singer Victor Jara, who was tortured and killed by the Chilean military days after the coup. Jara had been arrested on the day of the coup and taken to the massive stadium in Santiago known as the Estadio Chile with thousands of other political detainees. He was killed in or near the stadium, and his body was dumped on the street. His widow Joan Jara, who was tipped off that her husband had been killed, eventually identified him in one of the city's morgues. On that 25th anniversary of her husband's death, Joan Jara spoke with Democracy Now!


Joan Jara, widow of Victor Jara. Speaking from Santiago de Chile on September 16, 1973, on the 25th anniversary of the killing of her husband.



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