The thing with Zyuganov is that he doesn't seem to really want to be president. He won the election in 1996. Everybody knows he won the election in 1996. He never opened his mouth once. He's got a very cosy niche for himself as head of the Party of Permanent Opposition to the Anti-People Regime. Seleznyov, Glazyev, they may have futures, not Zyuganov. No substance.
Sergei Glazyev, by the way, is a very interesting guy. He was an economics Wunderkind who got his Ph.D. when he was around 25 or something like that. He was one of the Chubais "young reformers" pushing shock therapy and so forth until 1993, when he broke ranks and joined the Communist Party. Said the Kremlin was too corrupt and the Communists were the only people it was possible to do anything with.