bad nooz for Dems

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Wed Feb 6 11:46:33 PST 2002

Nathan Newman wrote:

>The turnout and help for Dem candidates down ballot argument is pretty weak,
>since if Nader played such a great role, Dems running for Congress would have
>done far better than four years earlier. Yet the Congressional votes between
>Dems and the GOP was almost exactly the same as four years earlier. Nader's
>3% seems to have had almost zero effect on changing the overall vote for

Why should a vote for Nader mean a vote for a Dem for Congress? Lots of Nader voters wouldn't vote for a Dem if a gun were held to their heads.

Sorry to find myself disagreeing with Seth, but I don't see how Nader gave the election to Bush. If Gore had carried his home state, he'd be president. The whole Florida mess is a symptom of the structural corruption of the American political system; Gore lost that state because of rigged counting, racial harassment, and the shameful disenfranchisement of ex-cons. Face it Nathan, your boy did himself in.


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