FW: Polygamy [ASDnet] Question for women

Kelley kwalker2 at gte.net
Wed Feb 13 12:39:11 PST 2002

At 09:55 AM 2/13/02 -0800, Thomas Seay wrote:

> The guy carries two guns around with him.
>He is _____
>A) A Sensitive New Age Guy (SNAG)
>B) A Bad Boy

let's see, the only man i've ever dated who actually read things I wrote, including boring old academic papers i wrote, who not only read them but wanted to engage me in a discussion about what i'd written, he'd probably carry around two guns when the mood struck him. he'd especially like to provoke liberal fuckwits like Eric just to see them twirl outta control. this not SNAG and not bad boy also calls when he says he going to call. oh, he has his moments. and so do i. no one's perfect. and that's one of the best parts: we're old enough, i guess, not to expect perfection. he discusses things with me, rationally and honestly, though the sparks fly over politics at times. i can actually know more than he does about some things and he respects that. that's pretty amazing because most of the academic and professional type guys i know have a real problem dealing with the fact that i have a mind of my own. but, no, turns this guy on. i'm told by guy friends that this turns men on--kinda like mae west. but i've yet to meet one that can sustain that passion for two years.

this gun slinging nave has read tons over the past two years in order to understand my passions. When he found out I was a Marxist, he started reading Marx in order to understand what it was about and get over his biases. oh, he struggles mightily to understand, but he tries sincerely. we argue a lot. but it's respectful, most of the time. if anyone's a little prone to getting frustrated and crosses the line, it's me.

He's ordered and read countless books, everything from Doug Henwood to Luce Irigaray to Frank Hearn, a former beloved prof of mine. Tomorrow, he's getting a copy of the OED on CD, something we can share and delight over, because he'd love the OED just as much as he'd love getting a power tool to work on his '81 Corvette with the 427 he built himself and i'll never hear the fucking end of.. Oh, and for Christmas i got him themed gifts to encourage his interest in cooking. boy, some o' you buoyz sure stroke them chef's knives and sharpeners with an odd fascination.

We read erotica to one another AND whatever "intellectual" that strikes our fancy: We finished _The Worldly Philosophers_ this fall and are now on _The People's History_. guy's got a high school degree, but it doesn't embarrass him to be with someone with far more education. doesn't challenge some fragile ego, you see.

oh, as the programmer told me the other day: kell, it's always about getting laid. so shut up. well, mabye so.

I'm afraid this guy might think of himself as the nice, shy, retiring type, but you'd characterize him as a bad boy.

he happens to "like" guns.

get over it.

really, i'd rather hear about your french girlfriend who had a thang for assholes.


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