Carlyle Group and Bush-mania (stems from Sixty secons to eternity)

Cian O'Connor cian_oconnor at
Tue Feb 19 03:48:30 PST 2002

--- "Peter K." <peterk at> wrote:
> As I understand it, Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte was a
> mafia-fighter and protege of that famous mafia
prosecutor who was
> murdered in Siciliy. (I know, the last Mayor of NYC
was a big
> anti-organized crime prosecutor too, but still.)

Yes she is. Anything but second rate - she managed to track down the Swiss accounts used by the Mafia, plus assorted ex-dictators.

> And so all Americans should stand accused for Bush's
> actions? All
> Israelis
> for Sharon's? Smells like OBL logic.

Well arguably, in a democracy the electorate carry more of the blame, than the victims of a dictator do. In the US most American's don't know what their government does in their name - but I'm not sure ignorance is much of a defence (especially as if they did care, they probably wouldn't care too much).

Judging by the Serbians I've met in London and at college, Milosovecic was exploiting something in the Serbian psyche. I find it disturbing that the Bosnians I've met (including one poor fucker who was drafted into the Serbian army) tend to want to put it behind them, whereas the Serbs tended to deny that it happened (or was as bad as claimed). The left's defence of the Serbs, in the teeth of all the evidence, still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Now that's mindless anti-Americanism. Speaking of which, there was a dumb article in the New

Statesman last week claiming that the west destroyed Serbia because Milosevic was the last socialist.

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