Saddam Imposed by US?

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Wed Feb 20 16:25:37 PST 2002

Imposed? Nah, the Iraqi Ba'athist regime didn't benefit in '68 from covert actions directed from Langley, Va, CIA and NSC in the WH, that installed the Shah in '53 or the Colonel that overthrew Arbenz in Guatemala the year after. Sure, about 500 million dollars in agricultural credits from the Reagan administration freed up other resources that helped the regime slaughter thousands more Kurds during the Iran-Iraq War (new article in the NYRB by Samantha Power sez claims 100,000+ killed) but, any reading of sources like the Patrick Cockburn, Said Aburush (just recently became familiar with that prolific journalist) or the ex-Trotskyist, Iraqi exile Kanan Makiya in, "Republic of Fear, " (see the U.C. Press re-issue) will show that the regime, however opportunistic subsequent USG support, was a product of Iraqi political dynamics, in the main.

A couple of accts. on the web I just skimmed, all say the CIA had it's hands in the earlier '63 military coup though. This from a UK left communist collective does not say anything about the CIA and '68. This Kurdish webpg. does not either, dam3.shtml+Baathist+regime+coup+CIA+1968&hl=en Michael Pugliese

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