fascism/upward mobility

joanna bujes joanna.bujes at ebay.sun.com
Thu Feb 21 09:19:44 PST 2002

At 01:21 AM 02/21/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>This study has nothing to do with giving more power to
>the "White male minority" whining I've heard, but more
>with the idea that people are better off under the
>"new (old) economy" and how it's bunk.

i know, I know...I really wasn't focusing on that...just picking it up as evidence of an ever-declining standard of living EVEN for the traditionally sheltered middle-class, upwardly-bound white males...therefore a "crisis" that needs to be handled in some way, preferably in a way that continues to favor current class divisions and the current allocation of power.


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