O'Neill: "WB has driven poor countries into a ditch"

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Sat Feb 23 21:51:48 PST 2002

>>And how are countries to get the hard currency to buy the
>>western-made capital goods that embody so much technology?
>That's not the most urgent priority for a low-income country, which
>needs to feed and house people and teach them to read. A lot of hard
>currency debt is just a millstone, and the compulsion to earn
>dollars and euros is a distraction from a lot of humanly urgent
>If the model worked, why are debt burdens still so high, and income
>gaps (aside from China and a few other Asian countries) wider than

China is a *really* *big* aside... India is becoming an "aside" too...

>>The problem with the WB projects is not that they are
>>export-oriented, but that the WB is a lousy judge of what
>>export-oriented projects would be successful...
>Who does? The Market?

Well, this is a big problem. Which is worse, state-led development led by a corrupt anti-developmental state, or market-led development driven by clueless guys in New York who spend all their time trying to guess what average opinion expects average opinion to be?

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