O'Neill: "WB has driven poor countries into a ditch"

Juan Jose Barrios jota at netgate.com.uy
Sun Feb 24 15:22:45 PST 2002

Bradford DeLong wrote:

> Well, this is a big problem. Which is worse, state-led development
> led by a corrupt anti-developmental state, or market-led development
> driven by clueless guys in New York who spend all their time trying
> to guess what average opinion expects average opinion to be?

this is too much a simplification, Brad...what do you mean by state-led development led by a corrupt anti-developmental state,???? Latin American ISIs?? Asian Tigers?? Argentina's 1990s? Perú of the 1990s? Brazil of the 1960s or Brazil of the 1980s and 1990s? Chile under Pinochet???Have you ever consider the possibility that "state-led development led by a corrupt anti-developmental state" of the 1980s and 1990s where precisely the consequence of "market-led development driven by clueless guys in New York who spend all their time trying to guess what average opinion expects average opinion to be"?,

I do not expect a detailed specific politial economy analysis of Development Economics on this list, but I would suggest that the above sort of simplification is dangerous and actually misleading to people trying to understand what is going on.....-jj

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