Frantsiaya ne sushchestvuyet

Chris Doss chrisd at
Mon Feb 25 03:15:13 PST 2002

Because there's a lot more money flowing through Russia than appears on official figures? Because Russians tend to earn several times their official salaries? Because Moscow, in which the official monthly income is about $100, somehow manages to have 2.5 million automobiles? Because more Mercedes get sold every year in Moscow than in all of Germany? Because the mafia, among other things, makes movies? :)

Russia's economy is in bad shape, but it is way, WAY better than you would guess based on official stats. The Russian economy is largely unreported.

Chris Doss The Russia Journal ---------------------------

Cian said:

Country which has an amazing film industry, though I have no idea who's funding it, is Russia. Some great films (seen by practically noone in the west) have come out of there in the last five years. How is this possible?

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