Covering Dissent Re: B-52 Bombers, a Long Time Ago...

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Fri Jan 4 10:18:10 PST 2002


>As for imperialism-- why is that bad? Some people have historically
>supported imperialism done for moral purposes, so merely repeating the word
>like a swear word is not going to convince anyone. What is happening in the
>world because of US military actions that would be better without its
>actions? If you cannot convince people that the world would be better
>without US action, then why should they listen? And in a world where the
>alternative seems to be Saddam Hussein, Milosevic and Bin Laden, the US
>begins to look like the better alternative.

Ultimately, Americans need to _think on their own_ whether imperialism is bad and why. Leftists can tell them what imperialism is, mapping out a theory of capitalism, as well as publicizing this or that well documented fact of imperialism, current and historical. Beyond this, Americans need to do their own work, arriving at their own conclusion. -- Yoshie

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