Robert Fisk

Bradford DeLong jbdelong at
Mon Jan 7 09:11:06 PST 2002

> > ...
>Yoshie Furuhashi:
>> I don't expect you, Brad, & Luke to respond to an attack on your
>> person by a mob of the oppressed in the manner that Robert Fisk did,
>> if you find yourself in a like situation. You are entitled to your
>> own feelings. It seems to me, however, that there is no reason you
>> should act as if you were cheated just because Fisk didn't respond in
>> a way you think he should, e.g., equating an Afghan mob with a mob of
>> white supremacists. What's the beef, really?
>I suppose Fisk's work is damaging to the repute of the imperial
>enterprise, therefore Fisk must be neutralized; but a detailed
>attack on his work would involve the further exposition of
>the very material which renders it offensive. Therefore, it
>is preferable to seize on a purely rhetorical offense, to wit,
>the excessive use of a common hyperbole ("If I was him Ida ...").
>If you don't like the message, and can't stop the messenger,
>you can deplore the shape of his hat. Anything to get off
>the repulsive subject.
>-- Gordon

No. As best as I can interpret it, Fisk's 'tude justifies--calls for--excuses--legitimizes the relatives of those killed in the WTC terror attack fanning out across New York and killing anyone of Middle Eastern descent they can find. I think that this is a bad 'tude for anyone to hold.

Brad DeLong

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