US involvement with dictatorships

Chris Doss chrisd at
Tue Jan 8 05:15:56 PST 2002

I've been away from my computer for a couple of weeks (Merry Orthodox Christmas everybody!!) and when I returned I had something like a hundred lbo-digests in my inbox. This is in respond a Januzzi/Prescod thread a while ago -- unfortunately I seem to have deleted the relevant text so I can't past it and I don't have time to do through the archives (don't have internet access here).

Prescod was saying something about the US not having interfered with democracy anywhere in the last 10 years. This is horseshit. I happen to live in a country in which the US attempted to undermine democracy in quite recent memory. In 1996, the US gave illegal aid to single-digit-popularity-rating Boris Yeltsin so he could buy the election, barring the opposition from the electronic media, vilifying them and spending 30 times the legal campaign spending limit just in bribing journalists. It also applauded when Yeltsin shelled the (democratically elected) parliament in 1993, killing up to 300 people according to Russian sources, and then gave himself dictatorial powers and tore up the constitution in a completely illegal and, for that matter, base act. The Yeltsin regime was a weak dictatorship if there ever was one (as is the Putin regime, for that matter, but Putin is a much better Tsar).

Chris Doss The Russia Journal

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