manna for conspiracists

Hakki Alacakaptan nucleus at
Wed Jan 9 00:33:49 PST 2002

|| -----Original Message-----

|| From: Max B. Sawicky

|| Hakki:

|| The reason why the pipeline theory or the Brisard & Dasquié

|| book is on CNN

|| is spin control, and that's why Richard Butler is on the show.

|| Not because

|| he's an expert but because he's a trusted Bushie. Hakki

|| mbs: So CNN airs information that blows the lid off the affair,

|| all as a device to keep it secret? A conspirator gives it credence,

|| on air, by failing to react with incredulity? This is pathological.

OK, I'll spell it out for you: CNN is an international operation. CNN cannot keep a cover on the pipeline and the book without losing credibility in the rest of the world, as opposed to, say, Fox. It needs to address the issue, not keep it secret. So it addresses it by producing experts, sources, or evidence to shoot the theory down. Duh.


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