Up and down the road to a big anti-war movement
From: Chuck Munson <chuck at tao.ca>
-clip- Let's engage in some critical thinking here. How is this situation described in this article different than what we've seen in the successful anti-globliazation movement ?
There is a successful model to emulate.
CB: How is it that the anti-glob movement is successful ? Don't we still have glob ? This seems a premature declaration of victory for the anti-glob movement. Isn't glob expanding with the war on Afghanistan ? Hadn't glob existed for more than ninety days before the first anti-glob demos ?
One big anti-war coalition is just one big mistake.
CB: I haven't heard anybody at Detroit Anti-War Network meetings ( with WWP one of the main organizers) talking about "one big anti-war coalition". How is it that anybody who wants to can't already organize another antiwar group that is not part of the one's you are complaining about ?