It's not worth reading. It was written by one of our local wingnuts who fancies himself some kind of important journalist because he has a regular column in the online English edition of Pravda. The author is the laughingstock of the D.C. area activist community.
I've had numerous run-ins with him, but thought that he had given up on activists after he abandoned the anarchist label and started working within the Reform Party. This guy was never an anarchist--his views as a teenager could be described as some crazy stuff influenced by the Anarchist Cookbook.
He recently came out and admitted that he is anti-semitic. He's a big fan of the facists over in that wingnut third-positionist tendency called "national anarchism." For somebody who claims he isn't a fascist, he certainly pals around with them alot.
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An American soldier in a hospital explained how he was wounded: He said, "I was told that the way to tell a hostile Vietnamese from a friendly Vietnamese was to shout To hell with Ho Chi Minh! If he shoots, hes unfriendly. So I saw this dude and yelled To hell with Ho Chi Minh! and he yelled back, To hell with President Johnson! We were shaking hands when a truck hit us."
(from 1,001 Ways to Beat the Draft, by Tuli Kupferburg).