|| -----Original Message-----
|| From: michael pugliese (...)
|| P.S. Hakki, Heikki Sippila of the Cominform list and the m-l
|| list you cut and paste...What a loon. Wrote her a few times about
|| North Korea. It's all just bourgeois slander about starvation
|| there.
She's got it right in this case tho. It happened just accross the bridge from where I live. The area is surrounded by the richest neighborhoods (the rich kids drive by shaking their heads, their moms & dads frown, glare, or cringe) and is itself prime real estate with a view on the Bosphorus, which most working-class Istanbulites only see once a year on excursion from their bleak warren-burbs.
The cops didn't say there were that many dead but they probably lied, as usual.