Dubya survives

/ dave / arouet at winternet.com
Tue Jan 15 01:04:37 PST 2002

rhisiart at earthlink.net wrote:

> whenever i think of a man all alone except for two dogs, sitting on a sofa watching football, eating
> a pretzel, choking on it, loosing consciousness then falling off the couch, hitting his head on the
> carpet so badly that he abraded his face and cut his lip, etc., i start to titter.

One wonders what earthshattering play was unfolding on the TV screen at the moment W gagged and keeled over (?)...

Did his watch stop? There was nothing about his watch stopping in the news accounts, but I think there's an episode of Columbo in which a stopped watch on the wrist of a victim somehow leads to a clue about a culprit's identity in relation to something that transpired onscreen at the moment said culprit entered the room. Something like that.

At any rate, I think we can forget about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and tie up the "who's in control?" discussion thread in the bargain when we take note of the presence of George W.'s dogs sitting strangely immobile across the room and giving W enigmatic looks when he regained consciousness. And then there's Falla, Buddy and all the others. Call in Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, Lyndon LaRouche and J. Orlin Grabbe - our masters move on four legs!



/ dave /

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