(Do you believe) Marxism is a science?

Charles Jannuzi jannuzi at edu00.f-edu.fukui-u.ac.jp
Tue Jan 15 20:27:42 PST 2002

Greg Schofield" <g_schofield at dingoblue.net.au>:

>Charles thanks for the >Vygotsky link as I have >wanted to read a lot more
>of him than I have and >seem to have overlooked >him at the archive
(usually >going there to look up >something specific).

Greg, Check out the way Comrade Lenin (love his style) deals not only with idealist reactionaries but 'scientistic' positivists as well:



See also Ilyenkov:


While I don't think philosophy will ever tell us what is and what is not a science, it's interesting to see the problem is not a new one and that there are far more perspectives than those of either anglo-analytic philosophy of science or French post-structuralism.

Charles Jannuzi

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