Asia Times talk Negri

Charles Jannuzi jannuzi at
Tue Jan 15 23:34:48 PST 2002

>"American-made rubbish about >"the end of history" or
>"the clash of civilizations" has >been swept under
>Afghan carpets by the impregnable >reality of what
>Italian philosopher and professor of >political science
>Antonio Negri termed "Empire" in >his seminal book


>The modern
>- - though supple - version of >Leviathan is Empire, a
>universal entity basically >incarnated by America.
>Peace means Pax Americana.

I doubt if that Asia Times writer has actually read even a good summary of the book. This is far closer to Parenti's 'Against Empire' which predates Negri's 'Empire'. And much of Parenti's analysis is not original anyway.

Charles Jannuzi

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