The case against conspiracy

Shane Mage shmage at
Wed Jan 16 08:47:07 PST 2002

Cockburn&St Claire pontificate:

"The Bush regime hastened into war because America had sustained the greatest massacre on its soil since Pearl Harbor..."

They forget only that

1. Pearl Harbor, in a US colonial outpost, is thousands of

kilometres from the nearest "American soil"


2. An unsuccessful (the main target, the aircraft carriers, having been sent safely to sea beforehand) attack on a major military base can scarcely rank as any sort of "massacre"


3. The very name "Pearl Harbor," for all but the ignorant, is virtually synonymous with "a provoked and expected attack, permitted to happen for the purpose of shocking the American public into enthusiastic support for a war that it had previously refused to accept."

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things."

Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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