A&H spend a lot
>to get prices right. And enterprises that fall belowe a certain
>efficiency are dissolved - pretty much the same as bankruptcy yet?
>In general, I think they pay more attention to issues Hayek (and Mises)
>raised than any other advocates of planning. ...
>Now you also, in another post, brought Mondragon up as an example of
>market socialism. A critisim often made of market socialism is that it
>is unstable with a tendency to turn into capitalism. In terms of
>Mondragon, I think we can point out the Mondragon factories now hire
>wage labor without giving them membership in the co-ops. Within Spain it
>now engages in joint business ventures that own non-co-op workpalces.
>Also Mondragon own plants in low-wage nations which it operates as
>conventional capitalist workplaces, with no plans to ever convert to
>worker ownership.
>I agree that a discussion of parecon may not be productive on this list.
> I would simply say that this is not a license to take a potshot at
>it, and then move on, unanswered.
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