Who Does No Work, Shall Not Eat

Brad DeLong jbdelong at uclink.berkeley.edu
Sun Jan 20 17:50:14 PST 2002

>We have to work because if we don't we die. People who don't work
>are living off the work of others, one way or another. Of course,
>human societies have a lot of choices about how they arrange the
>work, and how much compulsion is involved, but it's not just a boss,
>capitalist or commissar, who forces us to work.

Collectively yes, individually no...

If back in 1972 George McGovern could imagine a system in which every American got $1000 a year ($3000 a year at today's prices) just by virtue of being an American--their share of the dividends from the publicly-provided infrastructural andother capital stocks that are our common "property"--why is our imagination today so limited?

"Work if you want a relatively higher standard of living and lots of stuff" sounds so much nicer than "work or starve"...

Brad DeLong

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