Who Does No Work/ Planning

dlawbailey dlawbailey at netzero.net
Mon Jan 21 10:02:40 PST 2002

It seems to me that underlying the leftist difficulties with work is the childish desire (that we all share) to be judged by an "objective" standard, rather than being judged by other people. The reality is that under *any* system, we produce for the marketplace. It's largely a question of whether we consider that marketplace to be "them" or "us".

Under capitalism, it is most decidedly "them" since a worker cannot produce for other workers, but produces for the capitalist. I take great comfort in knowing that without this "filter," this yoke, this artificial decision-making system, the economy can grow much, much faster. That being said, much of work - meetings, repetitive tasks, etc. - is irreducible under any system.

Finally, I'd like to add that whatever one's attitude about central planning, left-wingers have to think about money. As much influence as the Soviet Union had, they would have had ten times the influence if they had understood the financial system instead of trying to ignore it.

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