Mormons as Marxists (Re: Who Does No Work, Shall Not Eat

John Mage jmage at
Tue Jan 22 09:57:17 PST 2002

Doug wrote:

> these models doesn't really offer much to the present and future,
> unless we all want to become millennarians and/or don skins.

it's millenarians, from the latin millenarius (a thousand each, a collection of a thousand somethings, like "pair" is two each etc.).

but it's millennial and millennium from the latin mille (thousand) anni (years). the common spelling "millenium" as in the former WTC area Millenium Hotel means a thousand (mille) assholes (ani). my fave shop name in NYC was a perfume shop near Union Square called Millenium Fragrances.

john mage

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