Picket Duties & the Problem of Free Riding (was Re: Who Does No Work, Shall Not Eat...)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at osu.edu
Wed Jan 23 20:07:39 PST 2002

>Being obligated to picket duties is an obligation of a different sort than
>that of parecon where I literally have to discuss with others how many pairs
>of underwear I want and to possibly have to justify my desires to others
>satisfaction. It's a moneyless society where you get a govt issued ID card
>that keeps track of your work and remunerates according. There is no way to
>opt out.
>In my humble opinion the free rider problem is not as great an issue as
>most people believe. It's just a leftover bit of Calvinist thinking that
>most people, myself included, haven't shaken completely. Everyone should
>have shelter and food whether they choose to work or not. You might be
>surprised by how few people would be willing to be a burden to everyone
>else. People will contribute if they don't feel alienated.
>John Thornton

I'm no supporter of what is called "participatory economy" as explained by Albert & Hahnel, but the more people "opt out" of politics in general, the less democratic a society becomes. Before we may create a society beyond alienated labor (be it in a Marxist or subjective sense of "alienation"), we have to overcome the political free rider problem. By political free riders I mean those who want to enjoy fruits of political participation (e.g., union organizing, feminist organizing, environmentalist organizing, anti-war organizing, etc.) without spending time, energy, etc. on political work to produce such fruits. -- Yoshie

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